Sit Back, Relax, & Enjoy the Ride

Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s the hurry? Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway?

(Jeremiah 2:25a -The Message)

Oh my God! I’m late!!! (I look at the time). I was supposed to leave 20 minutes ago. But if I hurry, I will get there right on time! As I approach my journey with God, I realize that this conversation is repeated constantly in my head: Oh my God!!! I’m late!!!…. And it is this feeling of being “late” that causes me to want to hurry, so that I get to my destination “on time.” I become restless, anxious, impatient, and irritated when I feel like I am not getting there quick enough or an unexpected turn lands me in the wrong direction. I rarely pause to ask, Just what is God trying to deposit in me or get out of me in this leg of the journey?

In this journey called life with God, we are all on a road trip with a specific road map created by God. This road map is filled with traffic signs, traffic lights, and driving directions designed to get us to His destination safely. If the specific directions aren’t followed, nor the traffic signs obeyed, there is risk of a tragic accident or possibly arriving at the WRONG destination. With loving care, God details this journey – placing great scenery, great company, and great rest stops along the way to teach us lessons about Him and to bring us great joy. However, our nature to “hurry along” precludes us from slowing down to really enjoy this scenic drive and appreciate the lessons learned. We complain about the journey, as we feel this drive is too long or too hard. All we really want is to just “get there!!!”

Maybe like me, you sometimes feel like you are “late” and need to hurry to get to your destination. You feel like the journey you are on is too long or too hard, and there has to be a short-cut somewhere. You may even feel that you have made a wrong turn. You seem to be going around and around in circles with no progress in sight. You started out well, but now you are back at square one.  Slow Down and Pause.

We’ve been hurrying and complaining so much, we forgot the joy of the drive and the goal of the destination. God created this journey to conform us to His image. Every traffic sign, every stop sign, every green light, every red light, every rest stop, and every speed bump in this drive has been strategically planned by Him to teach us and mold us into His image. God cares just as much about the actual drive and the lessons that need to be learned along the way as He does about the actual destination. This drive is really supposed to be the most rewarding, the most exciting, the most fulfilling….if only we would let Him drive us.

Slow down. There’s a quick turn right ahead. We’ll miss the turn if we don’t slow down. Let’s choose this moment to release all control of our journey over to God. He promises it to be exciting, rewarding, and exhilarating. Give the wheel to Him. Get out of the driver’s seat. Let Him drive us where we need to go. The only thing we need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!!!!

By Hawa Johnson


1. Think about the leg of the journey you are currently in. What is God trying to deposit in you or get out of you?

2. Stop and appreciate your journey.  What lessons have you learned about God and about yourself?

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